Raul Knežević
Vera Andrassy
Book height:
Publication language:
croatian, english
Number of pages:
A collection of texts and photographs about the Croatian ensemble with cult status - ACEZANTEZ (Ensemble of the New Tendencies Center in Zagreb) – founded in 1970 by the imaginative Croatian composer Dubravko Detoni. The provocative, original, bold, humorous and creative approach of ACEZANTEZ to New Music of the 20th century left a permanent, glorious mark on Croatian music. The ensemble members, who are virtuosos and brilliant professionals (not only musicians), have behind them a number of unforgettable happenings, unconventional recitals combining music and poetry, offbeat performances, some of which preserved in recordings. This booklet offers an insight into ACEZANTEZ based on a series of short, very interesting texts written in several languages by composers, musicologists and music writers.