Stanislav Tuksar (editor)
Stanislav Tuksar (editor)
Luka i Antun Sorkočević
Publisher: Croatian Music Information Centre
Publish year: 1983
Price: 9,29 €
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Stanislav Tuksar
Andriana Hewitt
Book height:
Publication language:
hrvatski, engleski
Number of pages:
This is a collection of papers on Luka and Antun Sorkočević, composers from Dubrovnik to which the 4th Festival Evenings of 1979 were dedicated during the Osor Evenings Festival. A patrician and diplomat of European renown, Luka Sorkočević (1734-1789) is the author of the earliest Croatian (pre-classicist) symphonies, extraordinary accomplishments of music, equal to the best European pre-classicist works of the sort. His son Antun (1775-1841) was the last emissary of the Dubrovnik Republic to Paris, and the author of the earliest Croatian piano sonatas. The collection contains abundant information relevant to research of the two composers' life and work.