Josip Mandić
Josip Mandić
Three Ballad Settings of Antonín Sova’s Poems for Soprano and Orchestra
Publisher: Croatian Music Information Centre
Publish year: 2015
Edition type: score
Price: Available only for rent
In stock
printed edition
Catalogue type:
vocal-instrumental music
Catalogue subtype:
voice, symphony orchestra
soprano, symphony orchestra
fl. picc. 2 fl. (fl. 2 poi fl. picc. 2) 2 ob. cor. ingl. 2 cl. in Si♭ cl. basso in Si♭ 2 fg. cfg. – 4 cor. 3 tr. 3 tbn. tba – timp.– trgl., tamb. picc. ptti, G. C., tam-t. cel. – 2 arp. – S. – archi
Number of pages:
Book height:
32 cm
Publication language:
croatian, english
About the music edition:
The musical works of Josip, or Josef, Mandić (1883 – 1959) are a paradigm of the phenomenon of oblivion so common in art history. For how else can one account for Mandić and his opuses being to the widest circle of music lovers – and to most people who are at all familiar with Croatian music – today totally unknown, although in the words of competent critics of the time his First Symphony “was the first modern large-scale symphony by a composer in this country” (L. Šafranek-Kavić) , or “the greatest and grandest instrumental work of our [Yugoslav] music to date” (Emil Adamič) ? Mandić’s orchestral compositions were conducted by some of the leading conductors of his time, like Nikolai Malko, Georg Szell (György Széll), Fritz Busch and Václav Talich, with such orchestras as the Czech Philharmonic, the Dresden Staatskapelle, or, for example, the Royal Scottish Philharmonic! The simplest answer is that most of Mandić’s works just disappeared without trace after his death in Prague in 1959.... „The composition Three Ballades was first performed in Prague at the third subscription concert of the Czech Philharmonic [Česká filharmonie] on November 16, 1932, in the Smetana Hall of the Municipal Home [Obecní dům – Smetanova síň]. The conductor was Jíří Scheidler and the solo voice parts were taken by Marie Šponarová. The verses for the composition Three Ballades were taken from the collection of poems called Lyrics of Love and Life (Lyrika láskya života) by Antonín Sova, as follows: Ballade no. 2, Ballade of a Roaming Night (Balada tulácké noci) and Ballade no. 1. Mandić put the words of Sova’s ballades to music in a practically ascetic manner: the soprano solo often declaims the words, and seldom are they actually sung. No kind of coloratura, figuration, melismata or what is called “long breath” attends the melody of the vocal part, although these are features that we do find in for instance the composer’s First Symphony...“ (Davor Merkaš)
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